Partially modelled 3D laser scan of c 8th Century stone slab - Marigold decoration in lower right

Partially modelled 3D laser scan of c 8th Century stone slab - Marigold decoration in lower right
Marigold stone slab, from Tullylease in North Cork, Ireland, a partially modelled 3D laser scan, screenshot from Rapidform Software shows damage and flaking to the surface of the stone.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Job in Digital Paleography

Vacancy: Research Associate (Digital Palaeography)

The Centre for Computing in Humanities (CCH) seeks a suitably experienced Research Associate for a new four-year project on digital palaeography.

The post holder will be based at CCH, an academic department in the School of Arts and Humanities focusing on research into the possibilities of computing for arts and humanities scholarship. The project, ‘Digital Resource and Database of Palaeography, Manuscripts and Diplomatic’ is funded by the European Research Commission (FP7). Its primary aim is to create an online resource for palaeographical study, discovery and citation, emphasizing the vernacular scripts of eleventh-century England.

The post holder will work closely with the Principal Investigator and others in the project team to work with original manuscripts to compile palaeographical and codicological data, to prepare this data and the associated images for online delivery, to contribute to innovative ideas about the display and interrogation of palaeographical data on line, and to help disseminate the project’s findings through conferences and colloquia.

A PhD or equivalent on a relevant medieval topic involving the study of manuscripts is essential, as is an appreciation of the potentials and limits of humanities computing. A high level of skill in palaeography and codicology is required, as is working knowledge of Old English and Latin. Some experience working with XML, databases and/or digital images is desirable.

The appointment will be made, dependent on relevant qualifications and experience, within the Grade 6 scale, �G33,070 inclusive of �G2,323 London Allowance, per annum. Benefits include an annual season ticket loan scheme and a final salary superannuation scheme.

This post is fixed term until 30 September 2014.

For informal enquiries please contact Dr Peter Stokes on +44 (0)20 7848 2813, or via email at peter.stokes.

Further details and application packs are available on the College’s website at cass-recruitment. All correspondence should clearly state the job title and reference number G6/AAV/629/10-HK

The closing date for receipt of applications is 5 January 2011.

Second Year Class - Website almost there!!

Here is a link to the great work being done by this year's Critical Skills seminar on Textual Transmission.

Heroes in Hypertext

They've written on the key concepts of heroic narrative and how they are transmitted from oral culture, through the advent of literacy into manuscript culture, print, film and now online too.

Exciting Opportunity for Early Career Researchers interested in Digital Humanities and Publication

Young Researchers Forum

ESF Humanities Spring 2011

‘Changing Publication Cultures in the Humanities’

The Royal Irish Academy is seeking applications for participation in the above named workshop. Please see details in this link.

The European Science Foundation offers, on a competitive basis, full-cost awards to leading early career scholars to participate in the ESF Humanities Spring 2011 two-day ‘new horizons’ workshop in NUI Maynooth, Ireland, 9-11 June 2011.

The topic of the 2011 Humanities Spring workshop is: ‘Changing Publication Cultures in the Humanities’.

A group of 20 early career researchers will be selected by open competition and invited to address the opportunities and challenges facing them consequent on changes in publication cultures in the Humanities.

The closing date for submission of applications is 17 Jan 2011.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Web 3.0 video at Vimeo

Some excellent speakers on why from Busa through Landow - the earlier generations have been right ... this is an excellent short film and well worth a watch...

Monday, June 28, 2010


Well done to the undergraduate BA class of 2010 - I hope all of you are celebrating as I type this!

Digital Humanities Observatory Summer School 2010

It is that time of year again and the DHO summer school is on again. This time there are 80 participants from 12 countries. It is a great mix and there is much news and many ideas to share.

I am in the XSLT course with Laura Mandell and Dana Wheeles - today was excellent - we all got to do a text transformation - and then played around with that - getting to know xsl in the meantime creating internal and external links, footnotes, using different fonts...

So we covered XPath and xsl with an introduction to and practical workshop in xslt so we have achieved a lot in one day - all with wonderful support and great questions from the group teasing out the minutiae of the detail.

I am looking forward to tomorrow - the bar was set high today!

Bursaries for Leipzig - act fast!

This is an update - I know lots of the facilitators and would *love* to go myself - and may yet do so - so here are the details via Elizabeth Burr -

We are please to announce that due to the generous support granted to
the European Summer School "Culture & Technology" by the Volkswagen
Foundation we are able to reduce the fees considerably (see and make available bursaries.

For what concerns the conditions that need to be respected if you want
to qualify for a bursary please see:

In order to give interested people who up to now have refrained from
applying for a place at the Summer School because of the level of the
fees the opportunity to take part in the School the deadline for
application will be further extended.

Please note: there are not many places left.

Application is done via ConfTool: by
creating an account and handing in a curriculum vitae and a letter of
motivation (300-500 words). People who would like to present their own
project hand in a short description of the project as well.

Application by Email cannot be accepted.

Notwithstanding the extension of the deadline, we continue with the
selection process so that people who have already handed in their
documents can be notified of the result around the 16th of June and can
start to organize their journey.

If you have any questions please contact the organizers at:

Elisabeth Burr
Organizer of the European Summer School
University of Leipzig

Monday, May 31, 2010

DHO Summer School

Hi All,

The DHO summer school has an excellent line-up; Hugh Denard, Laura Mandell and Susan Schreibman are all confirmed. There is an option to simply attend a lecture, or a single workshop if you cannot attend the entire event. It is well worth taking a lookThe link is at the DHO site here

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

TEI at Oxford this Summer

The TEI summer school at Oxford is on in July - here is the link:

TEI Oxford.

C.M. Sperberg McQueen is giving a lecture amongst a host of notables, great teachers and researchers.

(It is also *very* reasonable for students).

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blogging the Humanities - Symposium TCD June 3, 2010

Take a look at the link below - following on from the success of Pue's Occurrences there's a one day symposium being held at TRIARC -

Blogging the Humanities...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Job Vacancy at the DHO


Digital Humanities Specialist, Digital Humanities Observatory (DHO), Dublin, Ireland
1 Year Fixed Term Contract

Applications are invited for a one year fixed term contract position of Digital Humanities Specialist to the DHO. The DHO is designing, constructing, and hosting a digital repository of humanities research. This joint national platform, funded under Cycle 4 of PRTLI, is being constructed for the RIA and its partners to provide for the building, coordination and dissemination of humanities research, teaching and training at an all-island level.

Reporting to the DHO Director, the Digital Humanities Specialist will join a team to promote and support the use of advanced computing techniques as applied to the humanities in Ireland.

Further information and details of the application process are available at

The closing date for applications is Monday 24th May 2010 at 4 p.m.

The Royal Irish Academy is an equal opportunities employer

--- Shawn Day
--- Digital Humanities Observatory (RIA),
--- Regus Pembroke House, 28 - 30 Pembroke Street Upper, Dublin 2 IRELAND
--- 53.335373,-6.254219
--- Tel: +353 1 2342441

-- A Project of the Royal Irish Academy --

Monday, March 29, 2010

Free workshop on transforming texts to digital editions Galway

Dear All,

I'm again adding the detail of this free workshop - something similar in the US this summer costs over $500, and in the current climate I fear that the free status of this may not persist into the future.

Deadline tomorrow!

Enjoy the break everyone

'Using, displaying and visualizing handwritten source materials'

Here is the schedule:

Day 1

- Introduction
- Representing primary sources in encoding
- Describing manuscripts and other text-bearing objects
- Critical apparatus and variant readings

Day 2

- Linking between text and image, description and image, and text and description
- Displaying, visualizing, and using encoded texts
- Specification of own document encoding rules using schemas
- Wrap-up

Anyway, the event page for the workshops is here:

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

From Geoffrey Rockwell - this is the Day in the Life project 2010.

Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities (Day of DH) is a community publication project that will bring together digital humanists from around the world to document what they do on one day, March 18th. The goal of the project is to create a web site that weaves together the journals of the participants into a picture that answers the question, “Just what do computing humanists really do?” Participants will document their day through photographs and commentary in a blog-like journal. The collection of these journals with links, tags, and comments will make up the final work which will be published online.

On March 18th, participants will document and share the events of their day. However participants will also become co-authors, and the direction of the entire project will be influenced by their choices, both before and after the day of documentation. Eventually, the data will be grouped together, undergo some light semantic editing, and released for others to study. We hope that, beyond the original online publication, the raw data will be of use to those interested in further visualization or ethnographic experiments.

A reminder to those who want to participate in the Day of Digital Humanities 2010 that we would appreciate you registering by the end of the 10th of March. We will be creating the blogs on the 11th so you have time to experiment.

To find out about this project and to register go to:

This wiki link here...

This is not a project just for "important" digital humanists. We want a diversity of perspectives including students, librarians, programmers and those who feel what they do is modest!

So please invite your students and colleagues.

For those who like to lurk during such online events we will have an RSS feed you can follow, as we did last year. There is also a twitter hashtag, #dayofdh for those who want to have a parallel discussion.


Geoffrey Rockwell

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Independents wrestle with doomsday book scenario - The Irish Times - Mon, Mar 08, 2010

Similar to recent articles in the Guardian when Borders closed, there however there was a more systematic look at the reasons why the Big Sellers of Best Sellers model was failing... Here a small Dublin bookshop owner peaks about launches, and adding value to his shop - that will never be replaced by cheapies loaded up on pallets, or ordering online...Independents wrestle with doomsday book scenario - The Irish Times - Mon, Mar 08, 2010

Some Thoughts on TILE Partner Projects

This is the latest feed from Dot Porter at the TILE project - the TEXT IMAGE LINKING ENVIRONMENT - they are looking at 3 very different projects as you will see, addressing issues that concern a broad range of readers, writers and critics...Some Thoughts on TILE Partner Projects

Monday, February 22, 2010

DHO Summer school is announced

The registration for the Digital Humanities Observatory Summer School is now open: visit the DHO homepage at DHO.

There are a range of options

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wiki for the Online Journal for the CACSSS is up...

Here is the link to the wiki space - it is

Sorry all about the . | @ confusion - as the administrator I can get at the wiki via the @ link - but no-one else can! Now rectified!

Am in process of putting emails in - will be all set shortly...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Digital Hamlet

Great news that yet another digital asset for scholars is on the way. Hamlet online is about to go live with a previously impossible features for the scholar. The Arden Shakespeare finally has a rival - the individual reader - who may consider the many varying editions of the text side by side and make their own edition...

An important feature of the resource is that it is to be available free, this was a condition of finance by the funding bodies, including the NEH the National Endowment for the Humanities in the US.

There is an article online here.

The site itself is in the .org domain at and yes it IS all about the TEI and the XML!

Digital Journalism - a view from

This post from is from The Guardian Online by Editor Alan Rusbridger. He is speaking on Digital Journalism. He speaks about the Guardian's position which is that the newspaper is committed to a 'free at the point of desktop' model. He maintains that by having a paywall newspapers would cut themselves out of the conversations being had by writers, scientists, artists and readers worldwide...a way forward may be mutualisation where journalists and readers together produce something better than either on their own. More here.

There is also a link to the full text of his Cudlipp lecture today.

Friday, January 15, 2010

UCC XML and Metadata symposia

I participated in the very excellent class by Faith Lawrence and Kevin Hawkins from the Digital Humanities Observatory today. It was great to be a student and to see another's perspective on the thorny issues of tagging. Who knew about Creole?! Also Faith's PhD thesis involving online narratives will hopefully be helpful to my students.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The Digital Humanities Observatory in the form of Kevin Hawkins and K Faith Lawrence are coming to UCC. This event really yielded a lot of results last year and there are now a group of us with similar interests from various departments communicating in the university. The event is free and anyone can sign up at

I'll be at both morning sessions, and am looking forward to the project slams where we get to see who is doing what on campus in the area of new media and digital technologies in the humanities.

Beginning new PhD courses

Today I start the PhD course PG7009 on digital humanities in the - lovely once you are inside it - WGB. Hopefully the weather will hold up!