This is a personal blog charting what I am up to - including teaching, researching, and thinking about prevailing ideas on humanities scholarship and how it intersects with digitality/technology/computing.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Digital History by Dan Cohen
There is an absolutely excellent online resource for anyone who is interested in digital scholarship. It is by Dan Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig and called Digital History. It discusses the shift in concepts and methodologies that the web ennables. And it is in the language of the 'techno-realist' as opposed to the 'too good to be true' optimist It is available here: Digital History. Dan's blog is at and has a video and pdf slides of his recent plenary at the Coalition for Networked Information posted.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Guardian review of Sherry Turkle's new book Alone Together
Sherry Turkle has written a new book Alone Together the review is here but it is the comments section where the debate is most interesting. Many respondents refute the existence of halcyon days of yore where we all struck up conversations spontaneously with stranges on public transport or in cafes and also refer to other cusp moments where new technology was derided...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Research Intelligence at Oxford's e-Science Research Centre
This is an interesting article from the THE on the inherent interdisciplinarity of what we do - and how the world has shrunk in terms of knowledge creation and sharing in real-time.
Friday, January 14, 2011
How blogging worked to communicate the photography of Vivian Maier
There is an article in today's Guardian newspaper about a hitherto unknown photographer, and the man who found her negatives in an auction house, put them on a blog and shared the work. He admittedly knew little about photography, but the international response to the images on the blog allowed him to understand the significance of Maier's work.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Steve Wozniak and the Free Internet
Maggie Shiels the BBC's technology blogger is here highlighting Steve Wozniak's recent appeal for a 'Free' internet.
In an open letter, Wozniak addresses a range of issues about the public domain, and why it matters that access remains open.
The culture wars have begun - again...
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